Store your life activities here!
Storage problem is not a problem with Capebera. Store & organize and make your memory lane, remember and cherish.
Sign Up Now for Free 5GB Space
Automatic backups
Get automatic backup for your phones by Capebera. Enjoy never losing of your data with the secured cloud storage. It keeps you safe from powerful failures due to the reasons like natural disaster, human mistakes or hard drive failures. Keep your work always on move with us.

Look the way you want
Your files are yours and the way you want them to arrange is also your personal choice. So we have given you to do it by yourself and the way you want your files to be seen like.
Arrange it in folders and sub-folders, view it in different forms, keep them in favorites and share them with whom you want. Get to see your sub-folders with dropdowns or preview your images. Simply just the way you want –easy, hassle free and quick discovery.

Share and upload what you want
Sharing is simple and easy. It does not bother about size anymore. Share your long videos using link and give your recipients the benefit of no downloading for viewing them.
Capebera has also make you sharing easy and controllable using the accessibility control over your shared documents.
And we know how quick it is to use drag and drop to upload what you want to store here.

Capebera is your new space
Before Space was a problem for storing all your memories of ages in your devices. Capebera is now the new space to keep all your life activities easily and securely. It’s an opportunity to grab that allows the access to your storage from anywhere and anytime using any device with internet connection.

Frequently Asked Questions
Some faqs that may rise in your mind are listed here. If you have some other questions please. Contact Us
Can I arrange my folders and shared pictures in Capebera?
Can I share a long video through link sharing?
Can I only allow my shared documents for limited time period for viewing?
Know more about Capebera's advanced and effective features
File Backup
Get all your data backup from any place you are staying. Keep a peace of mind with Capebera
Computer Backup
Capebera provides automatic backups for your android and iOS mobile devices
Cloud Security
Security is one’s prior need for storing their materials over online cloud storage
Document Storage
Traditional ways of storing has vanished long back, evolving new technologies has emerged