Make your work more professional
Professionalism can step you up to your success. Make the best experience for your work with Capebera tools & features.
Sign Up Now for Free 5GB Space
Create different workspaces
Got ill by managing the different tasks from different websites? Get the best user arrangement, create various workspaces for your work. Fetch the best understanding & experience for your freelancing all at one destination.

Share your workspace
Use the workspace to have your definite room for your work, invite your clients or add members and share your material in a professional manner through workspace. For example: workspace name: xyz123, inviting or adding members or clients in the xyz123 workspace. And then upload the material for his view & download.

No quality deduction
Your quality is out preference. Supply your given work through Capebera without reducing the quality of pictures, videos, gifs, contents.

Securest storage
We understand the importance of your data so we always keep a real time check on the upcoming new threats. The technologies always detect and block any suspected activities. We use the best technologies like AI and HIPs to keep you secure all in advance.

Frequently Asked Questions
Some faqs that may rise in your mind are listed here. If you have some other questions please. Contact Us
What is a workspace?
Can I control my workspace?
Yes you get various options to control your workspace like who can see it, download it, edit it and more.
Can I create a subset of my workspace?
Yes you can create as many subset or sub folders you want. Just right click on the workspace and get the option to create new folders.
Know more about Capebera's advanced and effective features
No matter whether the activities that you perform are good in terms of significance or not, but the effort to be quick
Share your files
Share your files/folder with anyone using a link or an email. You can share anything of any size to anyone
Sync all your files
All you need is an internet connection and Capebera is good to flourish all your resources using any device
Easy Storage
The engagement with your resources becomes as easy as flowing water with Capebera multi-device access